Thursday, October 29, 2015

‘A Hunting we will go’! (A.K.A ‘Click!’) by Kate

Day 4

I am trying to work out what is the best time to pick up my diary, its 6:20 am here in the UK & I am worrying that if I pick it up now the cabin will be too cold & I won’t be able to start a fire.

I can’t wait, I have always been impulsive - I press ‘Read Diary’

‘…Good night’s sleep, feel refreshed, bit thirsty, no disasters in the night’ all positive so far.

 I notice in the top right-hand corner that my seaplane order has been delivered (about time!)
I open the cabin window, stack my kindling & attempt to light the stove….
Yes! First time light - its coffee time! (& not the cheap instant stuff!)

Hang on…..where’s my coffee? I recheck the seaplane delivery note.....
‘Coffee beans (eaten)’ some thieving wild animal has broken into my stash & eaten my coffee beans, I hope they can’t sleep tonight, I am furious!

I have a fair spread of useful skills now thanks to yesterday’s study session, I am going to go small game hunting with the shotgun today
I choose a location and set the task time to run for 2 hours.
Time passes & eventually the ‘diary ready’ tab flashes

I have chosen to stalk small game, rather than remain stationary, snow is falling, blanketing the ground, as I walk slowly between the trees, I happen upon a ptarmigan, my character shoulders the gun, takes aim &…

‘Click!’-  I have forgotten to load the shotgun! (I blame my character’s stupidity on a lack of caffeine!)

Not surprisingly, the Ptarmigan wanders off unperturbed!

I don’t see any other game during the trip, which is a small comfort, given my stupid mistake.
I return to the cabin empty handed, manage to light the fire (after 4 attempts) stack it full of birch (i’m going to be toasty warm tonight!) & read for a while.

I plan to go fishing tomorrow & want to concentrate on ‘upping’ my Ice fishing skills, the lakes are still frozen at this time of year.
 I am also planning to research 'cooking' to enable me to forage for food (if I can’t have coffee then pine needle tea will just have to do!)

I spend the evening reading & then retire to bed to dream of the King Salmon I am going to catch tomorrow!

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