Thursday, October 29, 2015

He's behind you! by Kate

Day 7

It's been exactly a week since I first built 'Grizzly Cabin', and how many letters have I received to date….precisely none!

Clearly, my NPC neighbours are not great at 'keeping in touch', I have made a mental note not to offer them a hot beverage, should they call to the cabin (I don't have anything other than boiling water anyway, since my coffee was so cruelly stolen earlier this week - I'm still harbouring a slight grudge as you can tell!)

Busy day today planned here in the wilderness, first job, check my snares, the overnight diary informs me they are empty, I choose to leave them out and will check them again tomorrow
Another foraging session is called for, I am hoping for herbs or pine needles- I set the task and busy myself in the real world for the next hour,

The diary ready alert pings a short while later I eagerly pick up my journal.... I have found some blueberries - do I want to eat them?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I choose the option to ‘eat them’… my energy increases, my nutritional deficit decreases, this is all going very well, I also notice I have found some 'herbs' they will go nicely with the fish supper this evening.

I try to set a new task, I am hit with a time penalty, I have an upset stomach, clearly those berries didn’t fully agree with me - it still seems worth it, I only have 12 minutes to wait.

Time penalty finished, I decide to collect some kindling to light the stove later this evening to enable me to cook the fish, apparently sushi is not an option in this game.

Some 30 minutes passes (I have remembered to put the mini saw in the belt pack, as this yields a few extra sticks)

This doesn’t look good…a wolf is approaching me (it is described as 'sizeable' that sounds ominous!), I drop the kindling & draw my pistol, the wolf is at 50 feet & moving quickly towards me
Bang! -
I shoot wildly & miss. The wolf is still advancing,
I hit the wolf in the leg, it slows him down but now he is really' ticked off' and coming rapidly in my direction
I miss yet again (I can feel a ’pistol skills’ book is in order later on- if I actually survive this encounter!)
The wolf is on me, I try a desperate strike with the knife and manage to hit it in the head!
The wolf mauls me & I stagger back to the cabin (minus the kindling!!)

Back inside, the cabin temperature is above 10 degrees (thankfully!) so I am able to use the 'steri strips' to close the wounds, I also gulp down antibiotics to help stave off infection.
I had the ubiquitous bandages in the belt bag, so was able to stem most of the bleeding at the scene

I am more shaken by the encounter than my poor character!
I have to make a cup of tea( in real life!), to steady my nerves before carrying on playing!

My character doesn’t have that luxury, so she opts to light the stove & have a fish supper instead.
I add the newly gathered herbs to the frying pan & after about 2.5 minutes, the fish looks delicious  my character tucks in hungrily
‘The meal tastes odd’ I am informed, Good grief what poisonous plants have I actually added to the fish dinner now?
I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out what, & how much damage I have managed to cause myself, honestly I am a liability!
I put my character to bed & choose to sleep for 8 hours

‘Did you take any activated charcoal, that helps settle upset stomachs’ comes a voice from the other room
Grrrr! Always too late with the helpful hints!

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