Thursday, October 29, 2015

‘Heeere's Johnny!’ by Kate

Day 2

The Seaplane flies me back in to ‘Grizzly Cabin’, patched up and raring to go!

First job of the day, check the mail box to see if any of my Alaskan Cabin neighbours have contacted me.....
The mailbox is disappointingly empty, you would have thought after my ‘near death’ experience with the chainsaw, one of them would have at least sent a ‘Get well soon’ or ‘Sorry you chopped off your leg’ card!

Time to learn some useful skills, I choose ‘LumberJacking for beginners’ from the bookshelf and settle down to read…..

‘Your cabin must be at least 16 degrees to read a book!’ the game helpfully informs me
Nothing else for it, it’s time to ‘get back on the horse’ & venture outside into the wilderness to chop down the birch tree - I am taking the axe this time, surely it’s much safer than the lethal chainsaw?

I set my task, ‘40 mins of tree felling’, I ignore the fact I have a zero axe skill.
Time passes, the ‘diary ready’ notification tab flashes ….
Oh dear!

My character was clearly reading a copy of ‘The shining’ whilst recuperating at the hotel and has run amuck in the forest with the axe, still no bloomin’ trees felled.

I have managed to put the axe though my foot & ruining my shoes, seems to be the least of my issues - luckily I packed bandages in the belt bag, you don’t catch me out twice!

Back to the cabin I limp, the bandages quickly applied at the scene, seem to have stemmed most of the more severe issues.
On the plus side the weather is sunny & the cabin temperature is above 16 degrees- Hurray!

I decide some ‘retail therapy’ is called for and set about opening up the ‘Radio screen’ to call in an order.
 I dial in the correct frequency & even remember to press the ‘boost’ button to increase the chance of my signal getting through, I am presented with the ‘shop’ screen

‘How much!! ’ I yell angrily,  ‘This shop is a rip off, $10 for some coffee beans!’
I cannot bring myself to order the cheaper $5 ‘instant coffee’ option- I am a terrible coffee snob!

I finally settle on:
A woolly hat, clearly I am never going to manage to fell a tree in the short term
Some $10 coffee, it might help sharpen my senses & stop my character doing such stupid things
A packet of ‘Steri strips’ - for those unfortunate little mishaps with the chainsaw & axe
Some firelighters, if I ever manage to fell a tree, you can bet my fire lighting skills will be dire

Order placed time to sit back & read before the cabin gets too cold

I spend the afternoon reading the lumber-jacking guide & watch with pride as my skill in this area actually increases, tomorrow, that birch tree will be mine!

I was planning to feed myself to increase my spirits, but the stove needs wood to enable me to cook – sigh, maybe tomorrow??!
Just time to mend my  shoes before bed, it’s unlikely that even I can do myself bodily harm doing this task

‘Did you remember to open the window?’ Steve asks
‘No’ I reply, ‘Should I have?’
I can hear laughing from the kitchen, my heart sinks as I watch the ‘task ready’ timer ticking downwards....
‘Your cabin is filled with glue fumes’ I am informed & I have a time penalty in order to clear the cabin of its noxious fumes
‘Could be worse’ I think!

I put my character to bed shortly afterwards, I am too stressed to let them attempt anything else!!

Roll on Day 3!

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