Thursday, October 29, 2015

Alone in the Wilderness (A.K.A ‘All the gear, no idea’) by Kate

Day 1

Dropped in the Wilds of Alaska & left to fend for myself.

This is a record of my first few days in the world of ‘e River Alaskan Cabin Journals’

The game loads for the first time, snow is falling all around (in game!)
The theme tune (written by Adrian Truman) plays merrily in the background, setting the atmosphere nicely.

I am directed to 'choose a character photo' and set their personal attributes accordingly, being a bit of a ‘closet bookworm’, I favour ’intelligence’ over ’strength’ - hopefully I won’t come to regret this decision, 'brains over brawn' is my strategy here!

My next decision is ‘where to build my cabin’- Do I want access to mail, a Railroad link, or perhaps access to a flying doctor – decisions decisions, I choose to live on a postal route, I like to keep in touch!

The cabin is duly christened ‘Grizzly Cabin’ & I choose my starter pack, I plump for the ‘food pack’
which comprises of 5 steaks, potatoes & some other goodies, why rough it in my first week?

What to do next?
My skill set sits precisely at zero, the cabin is too cold to do anything, I need to start a fire, but have no kindling or firewood, it’s time to chop down a tree.

The quickest way to fell a tree, I ask...
Steve (the game designer) informs me, is with the chainsaw… what could possibly go wrong?

I set off, chainsaw in hand, to attack the nearest birch tree, some 20 minutes later the in game timer
gives its audible bleeping sound & the ‘diary ready’ notification flashes at me, I eagerly rush to pick up my first journal entry…

‘Did you remember to pack bandages in your belt bag just in case?’ Steve asks helpfully.....
 ‘What belt bag?’ I reply nervously (that would be a ‘no’ then!)

The diary tab is still flashing ominously, I can’t put off the inevitable any longer - It doesn’t make for good reading, the chainsaw has slipped, my leg was in the way, blood, gore, ripped clothing, you get the general idea & to top it all my cowardly character didn’t bother to continue felling the tree with their one good remaining leg!

I limp back to the cabin to explore the delights of the ‘Medical screen’ …
its time to ‘Suture my injuries’ (my medical skill is of course ‘Nil’!) Gingerly I click the menacing looking needle packets.....

‘Your cabin needs to be at least 10 degrees to suture an injury’ the game informs me....

‘Give me a break', i yell at the game,  I’m bleeding profusely (all over the cabin floor) & I have no wood to start a fire, largely due to the fact I have all but cut my leg off’!

The game is oblivious to my screams & rants & continues to patiently present me with the same message.

Nothing else for it, day one & I have to ‘bug out’ to the hotel for emergency medical treatment, it’s not the start I was hoping for…!

Steve informs me I wouldn’t like it if it was an easy game

Things must surely improve tomorrow….??

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