Thursday, October 29, 2015

Timber!! by Kate

Day 3

The ‘save game’ loads up & the eCabin theme tune starts to play (I find myself singly along tunelessly, carrying a musical note has never been my forte, I don’t think Adrian will be calling on my skills as a backing singer anytime soon!)

The weather is shown as being ‘very snowy’ with a delightful ambient temperature of -8, Lovely!!
If that doesn’t spur my character on to start a fire, nothing will!

I cheer myself up with the thought of my impending seaplane supply order, I can almost taste the good quality (over priced!) coffee I have ordered
The diary screen loads up….

I managed to survive the night without any further injury – Hurrah!…  a real plus given the turn of events so far!

But what’s this I see in the corner ‘Seaplane order delayed due to bad weather’

Nooooooooooooooooooo! I needed that woolly hat & a strong cup of Java today. I mutter furiously under my breath about how, in my day a sea plane pilot would have done everything in his power to get my order to me - I vow never to order from that unreliable shopkeeper again!

What to do today…? Well I know it’s too cold to read in the cabin, I can’t have breakfast as I can’t light the stove, nothing else for it but to venture outside in my decidedly thin looking clothing.

I plan to keep myself warm by swinging the axe about wildly. I have thrown the vicious chainsaw to the back of the cabin shed in disgust.

The birch tree trembles as it sees me approaching with my new found ‘+20 axe skills’ ( I have packed bandages just in case!) task set, timer ticking down, my fingers firmly crossed, this time , surely???

‘Ping’ the ‘task ready’ alarm sounds, I click on the ‘diary’ tab & hold my breath….

What’s this…..  I have chopped down an old birch tree I have 130kg of wood, even better I appear to have all my limbs intact – Whoo Hoo finally, a result at last!

I rush back to the cabin to light the stove & feed my poor hungry character…

‘You must chop the timber into stove size lengths’ the game informs me

Well obviously, I kick myself, lamenting my own stupidity, I couldn’t fit a whole tree trunk in there!
A further 40 minute danger fuelled session with the axe is required (I have even remembered to sharpen it-  I like to ensure a nice clean wound!!!)

Success- My +20 axe skills are serving me well,  surely it’s time for some food now?

‘You need kindling to start a fire’ I am informed by the game, the air turns blue as I vent my anger at the now hated stove.

Yet again, I venture out into the cold, in my thin shirt, cargo pants & trainers to fetch some kindling

‘You did remember to load your pistol?’ Steve interjects helpfully
‘I will just throw bandages at any wild creatures that approach’ I reply… it’s going to be a very long 30 minute task!

I’m physically exhausted, I have been pacing up & down the lounge for the last half hour worrying about my poor defenceless character…

‘Ping!!’- It’s time to read the task outcome…. what this?

 I have kindling, I am in one piece, and I metaphorically skip back to my cabin

Right time to light the stove I have all the required components, I select to ‘use matches’ as the selfish seaplane company still has my firelighters, 5 minutes later & ….

Bingo! My cabin is filled with smoke & the fire went out,
I try again & again, 4th time lucky? (I realise I need to read a book on ‘fire-lighting’ to speed up this process - maybe later?)

‘Did you open the window, helps the stove to draw?’ Steve asks
‘It might be more helpful, if you offered these pearls of wisdom before I kill myself through smoke inhalation’ I snap back ungratefully!

Finally! The stove bursts into life & I can cook a steak, I watch it like a hawk, no way I’m messing this up, 3 minutes later& I have a perfectly cooked meal, I feel I have earned it.

I remember to close the cabin window, the temperature of the cabin has risen slightly from the heat of the stove & I settle down to read for the remainder of the day, I am reading ‘Alaska 101’ a book with a good range of skills for a newbie like me

Not been too bad a day, all in all, I wonder if my coffee will arrive tomorrow?

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