Thursday, October 29, 2015

‘These berries look tasty!’ by Kate

Day 6

I was woken in the night by a strange noise, a weasel was trying to get into my cabin, Luckily my awareness attribute had been boosted when I started the game (I had sacrificed 'strength & hearing' in favour of 'intelligence & awareness') I managed to scare it away, I do hope it leaves my fish alone, I fought hard for that!

My diary alerted me to something 'glinting' on the kitchen floor, I must remember to look for that later.

Well its day 6, I can’t believe that I have nearly managed a week, given my rather inauspicious start.
I’m going to make some snares today & try my hand at foraging.

Medical stats checked (all good) & kitchen floor searched (I found a pistol shell!) I set my hand to making some snares
2 hours later & I have 2 snares, I spend the next 30 minutes setting them up. Fingers crossed!

Time to do some foraging (I am hoping to find pine needles) some 30 minutes later the ‘diary ready’ tab flashes… I have found some white berries & apparently ‘they look delicious’ - What do I want to do?
Decisions, decisions I remember that red berries are often bad, does this mean that white berries are good?

The diary waits patiently for my answer, I have used a lot of energy looking for these & I am sure that tasting 1 or 2 can’t hurt - can it?

No!!  I quash my urge to just eat the whole lot & choose the option to 'ignore'.

 I just don’t trust them - I have no idea if this was a good decision & return to the cabin to read up on ‘Wild foods’

I cook myself one of the fish as a treat, better inside me than that greedy weasel, I’m sure he will be back tonight

Plans for tomorrow include wood gathering, snare checking & maybe a spot of hunting ( I may even load the gun this time!)

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