Thursday, October 29, 2015

‘Can you smell burning?’by Kate

Day 5

Well, lesson learned on over stacking that fire!
My chimney caught light last night - birch is a dirty wood!

I now have time penalties to air out my smoky cabin & holes in my roof to fix – on the upside, I was warm when I got up!

I have spent much of the morning repairing the cabin, so I’m off out for a well-earned fishing session
I plot my route to Lake Otter, use meat for bait & 'guess-timate' the fishing depth- I have no idea at what depth they will be biting today.

The lake is quite a walk and the round trip is due to take 6 hours. I have even remembered to actually load my pistol this time!

I will check back in later tonight!

....‘Did you remember to repack your belt bag with a flare & compass?’ comes the ever helpful, but always too late advice from Steve

I tell him I plan to tie bandages at pertinent points & navigate using those, he seems unconvinced that that will help, my heart sinks.

Time passes & its eventually time to pick up my journal…

Success - I have actually caught a fish, wait no I have got a huge fish!!
I have a 9kg trout –My filleting skills aren’t great, but I end up with 3 fillets of precious fish, I store them proudly in the barrel outside.

It’s really late in the game now, so I put my character to bed & promise her fish for breakfast!

Tomorrow’s itinerary consists of making & setting snares & foraging for pine needles
Hopefully someone will visit the cabin this week & I can relive & exaggerate my fishing tales!

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