Thursday, October 29, 2015

Catch ya on the flipside! by Kate

Day 8 

My overnight diary informs me my snares are empty (that huge wolf probably scared everything away) On the upside, a ‘big game hunter’ visited my cabin & I bought 10 jerky from him (unfortunately he didn’t have any coffee)

My character seems to be feeling ‘under the weather’ & her stats show that she is poisoned, time to open the activated charcoal tablets, I wonder what I actually did to my fish last night, perhaps I need to work on my culinary skills!

Before I go outside, I need to repair my clothes, that wolf sure caused some damage yesterday, I spend the next 60 minutes stitching & gluing, obviously I incurred a time penalty from the glue fumes, I never remember to open that window!

I am going to try foraging again today, surely I must find something good eventually?
The timer is ticking down & eventually alerts me that the task is complete, I have found some pine needles, and at last I can make a hot drink!

Spurred on by my success, I decide to go hunting along the Shore of Otter Lake, I choose to hide out on the shoreline for 2 hours.
Eventually a small goose flies in range – Bang! I miss-
This is shortly followed by a duck-
Click! The gun misfires & the duck flies past- looks like it will be a packet of dried food for me tonight!!

It’s time to return to the cabin, fire up the stove & have a hot drink, a fitting end to my first week in the wilds of Alaska.

Steve now has some new enhanced code to implement, so it’s time for me to bail out with this character & start afresh. (Just as she was starting to actually have some skills!)
The next iteration of code includes a State lottery, some brain teasing games for increased mental prowess (for that day only) and a 'charging handle' to help power the cabin.

We are still on course to meet our deadline for the Beta version of the game.A  big thank you to those kind souls who have volunteered to help us 'play test' it.

Who knows we may all meet up in game & be able to trade ‘tall stories’ (& maybe even some jerky!)
I never did receive any post, so much for being on a 'mail-route'!

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